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Full Version: How can we remove this option from registration forum
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How can we remove this option from registration forum
[Image: newss.png]
because the problem is this that due it
new user have to input 2 times username & password for registration..
it is a very serious problem
I am using the theme 'FreshBlue"
plz help me I am waiting for your good response..
Registration fields are used only once by a member, after they register they don't need to use it anymore, that's the login section, you have above.
I think that you think that your users need to fill out that form as well when registering; they don't.
yes sir Right
you have understand the problem
so therefore help me
how can i do...
How would they log-in if you remove that?
I want to remove it from the registration field
That part your showing isn't in the registration field, that's the log-in screen, how many times do i have to say it.
But brother
problem is this that
In the internet explorer
If any one not input username & password in this field
then he can't register in the board..
That field isn't for registering, i'm not sure why people need to register in the log-in field, registering is very different from that field by the way, what's your link?
No what he means is because that login box is there, when people register, the passwords on the registration from will say they don't match because there's that login box in the header, and IE doesn't like having all those password fields. It's a very common problem.

What you need to do is remove the code for the login box from the header_welcomeblock_guest template and replace it with this:

<a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/member.php?action=register">Register</a>
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