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Full Version: I Love the MyBB team :D
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you put so much work into building and supporting this software and get so little in return. people always say they love MyBB, so do i, but i love the dedicated team behind it more Big Grin screw Vbulletin is what i say, and i will try to give as much back as i can Smile

Keep it up guys, kick phpBB's lime Big Grin
(2009-10-19, 05:14 PM)Buttons Wrote: [ -> ]screw Vbulletin is what i say,
kick phpBB's lime

Please don't use course language. It's very disturbing when reading.
Other than that, I agree!
I love you too Heart
As you can see in my sig, i love some people too Toungue
I better go before you all start making out Wink just kidding of course, you guys do a great job.