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Full Version: Captcha problem during registration
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Hey guys Smile
I currently installed mybb using softaculous installer. Everything seems to work ok. But during registration the image verification code doesn't show up.

[Image: 9uoyvl.jpg]

I uploaded the captcha files again but the problem is still there.
This could be captcha.php

Go to file manager in your forums root find captcha.php

Replace all the content in it with:
 * MyBB 1.4
 * Copyright © 2008 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
 * Website:
 * License:
 * $Id: captcha.php 4304 2009-01-02 01:11:56Z chris $

define("IN_MYBB", 1);
define("NO_ONLINE", 1);
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'captcha.php');

require_once "./global.php";

$img_width = 200;
$img_height = 60;

// The following settings are only used for TTF fonts
$min_size = 20;
$max_size = 32;

$min_angle = -30;
$max_angle = 30;

if($mybb->input['imagehash'] == "test")
	$imagestring = "MyBB";
	$query = $db->simple_select("captcha", "*", "imagehash='".$db->escape_string(strval($mybb->input['imagehash']))."'", array("limit" => 1));
	$regimage = $db->fetch_array($query);
	$imagestring = $regimage['imagestring'];
	return false;
$ttf_fonts = array();

// We have support for true-type fonts (FreeType 2)
	// Get a list of the files in the 'catpcha_fonts' directory
	$ttfdir  = @opendir(MYBB_ROOT."inc/captcha_fonts");
		while($file = readdir($ttfdir))
			// If this file is a ttf file, add it to the list
			if(is_file(MYBB_ROOT."inc/captcha_fonts/".$file) && get_extension($file) == "ttf")
				$ttf_fonts[] = MYBB_ROOT."inc/captcha_fonts/".$file;

// Have one or more TTF fonts in our array, we can use TTF captha's
if(count($ttf_fonts) > 0)
	$use_ttf = 1;
	$use_ttf = 0;

// Check for GD >= 2, create base image
if(gd_version() >= 2)
	$im = imagecreatetruecolor($img_width, $img_height);
	$im = imagecreate($img_width, $img_height);

// No GD support, die.
	die("No GD support.");

// Fill the background with white
$bg_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
imagefill($im, 0, 0, $bg_color);

// Draw random circles, squares or lines?
$to_draw = mt_rand(0, 2);
if($to_draw == 1)
else if($to_draw == 2)

// Draw dots on the image

// Write the image string to the image
draw_string($im, $imagestring);

// Draw a nice border around the image
$border_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
imagerectangle($im, 0, 0, $img_width-1, $img_height-1, $border_color);

// Output the image
header("Content-type: image/png");

 * Draws a random number of lines on the image.
 * @param resource The image.
function draw_lines(&$im)
	global $img_width, $img_height;

	for($i = 10; $i < $img_width; $i += 10)
		$color = imagecolorallocate($im, mt_rand(150, 255), mt_rand(150, 255), mt_rand(150, 255));
		imageline($im, $i, 0, $i, $img_height, $color);
	for($i = 10; $i < $img_height; $i += 10)
		$color = imagecolorallocate($im, mt_rand(150, 255), mt_rand(150, 255), mt_rand(150, 255));
		imageline($im, 0, $i, $img_width, $i, $color);

 * Draws a random number of circles on the image.
 * @param resource The image.
function draw_circles(&$im)
	global $img_width, $img_height;
	$circles = $img_width*$img_height / 100;
	for($i = 0; $i <= $circles; ++$i)
		$color = imagecolorallocate($im, mt_rand(180, 255), mt_rand(180, 255), mt_rand(180, 255));
		$pos_x = mt_rand(1, $img_width);
		$pos_y = mt_rand(1, $img_height);
		$circ_width = ceil(mt_rand(1, $img_width)/2);
		$circ_height = mt_rand(1, $img_height);
		imagearc($im, $pos_x, $pos_y, $circ_width, $circ_height, 0, mt_rand(200, 360), $color);

 * Draws a random number of dots on the image.
 * @param resource The image.
function draw_dots(&$im)
	global $img_width, $img_height;
	$dot_count = $img_width*$img_height/5;
	for($i = 0; $i <= $dot_count; ++$i)
		$color = imagecolorallocate($im, mt_rand(200, 255), mt_rand(200, 255), mt_rand(200, 255));
		imagesetpixel($im, mt_rand(0, $img_width), mt_rand(0, $img_height), $color);

 * Draws a random number of squares on the image.
 * @param resource The image.
function draw_squares(&$im)
	global $img_width, $img_height;
	$square_count = 30;
	for($i = 0; $i <= $square_count; ++$i)
		$color = imagecolorallocate($im, mt_rand(150, 255), mt_rand(150, 255), mt_rand(150, 255));
		$pos_x = mt_rand(1, $img_width);
		$pos_y = mt_rand(1, $img_height);
		$sq_width = $sq_height = mt_rand(10, 20);
		$pos_x2 = $pos_x + $sq_height;
		$pos_y2 = $pos_y + $sq_width;
		imagefilledrectangle($im, $pos_x, $pos_y, $pos_x2, $pos_y2, $color); 

 * Writes text to the image.
 * @param resource The image.
 * @param string The string to be written
function draw_string(&$im, $string)
	global $use_ttf, $min_size, $max_size, $min_angle, $max_angle, $ttf_fonts, $img_height, $img_width;
		return false;
	$spacing = $img_width / my_strlen($string);
	$string_length = my_strlen($string);
	for($i = 0; $i < $string_length; ++$i)
		// Using TTF fonts
			// Select a random font size
			$font_size = mt_rand($min_size, $max_size);
			// Select a random font
			$font = array_rand($ttf_fonts);
			$font = $ttf_fonts[$font];
			// Select a random rotation
			$rotation = mt_rand($min_angle, $max_angle);
			// Set the colour
			$r = mt_rand(0, 200);
			$g = mt_rand(0, 200);
			$b = mt_rand(0, 200);
			$color = imagecolorallocate($im, $r, $g, $b);
			// Fetch the dimensions of the character being added
			$dimensions = imageftbbox($font_size, $rotation, $font, $string[$i], array());
			$string_width = $dimensions[2] - $dimensions[0];
			$string_height = $dimensions[3] - $dimensions[5];

			// Calculate character offsets
			//$pos_x = $pos_x + $string_width + ($string_width/4);
			$pos_x = $spacing / 4 + $i * $spacing;
			$pos_y = ceil(($img_height-$string_height/2));
			if($pos_x + $string_width > $img_width)
				$pos_x = $pos_x - ($pos_x - $string_width);

			// Draw a shadow
			$shadow_x = mt_rand(-3, 3) + $pos_x;
			$shadow_y = mt_rand(-3, 3) + $pos_y;
			$shadow_color = imagecolorallocate($im, $r+20, $g+20, $b+20);
			imagefttext($im, $font_size, $rotation, $shadow_x, $shadow_y, $shadow_color, $font, $string[$i], array());
			// Write the character to the image
			imagefttext($im, $font_size, $rotation, $pos_x, $pos_y, $color, $font, $string[$i], array());
			// Get width/height of the character
			$string_width = imagefontwidth(5);
			$string_height = imagefontheight(5);

			// Calculate character offsets
			$pos_x = $spacing / 4 + $i * $spacing;
			$pos_y = $img_height / 2 - $string_height -10 + mt_rand(-3, 3);
			// Create a temporary image for this character
			if(gd_version() >= 2)
				$temp_im = imagecreatetruecolor(15, 20);
				$temp_im = imagecreate(15, 20);
			$bg_color = imagecolorallocate($temp_im, 255, 255, 255);
			imagefill($temp_im, 0, 0, $bg_color);
			imagecolortransparent($temp_im, $bg_color);

			// Set the colour
			$r = mt_rand(0, 200);
			$g = mt_rand(0, 200);
			$b = mt_rand(0, 200);
			$color = imagecolorallocate($temp_im, $r, $g, $b);
			// Draw a shadow
			$shadow_x = mt_rand(-1, 1);
			$shadow_y = mt_rand(-1, 1);
			$shadow_color = imagecolorallocate($temp_im, $r+50, $g+50, $b+50);
			imagestring($temp_im, 5, 1+$shadow_x, 1+$shadow_y, $string[$i], $shadow_color);
			imagestring($temp_im, 5, 1, 1, $string[$i], $color);
			// Copy to main image
			imagecopyresized($im, $temp_im, $pos_x, $pos_y, 0, 0, 40, 55, 15, 20);

 * Obtain the version of GD installed.
 * @return float Version of GD
function gd_version()
	static $gd_version;
		return $gd_version;
		$gd_info = gd_info();
   		preg_match('/\d/', $gd_info['GD Version'], $gd);
   		$gd_version = $gd[0];
		$info = ob_get_contents();
		$info = stristr($info, 'gd version');
		preg_match('/\d/', $info, $gd);
		$gd_version = $gd[0];
	return $gd_version;
Can we have your URL?? There's a test we can do to see if the captcha is working properly.
alex_clone i tried replacing captcha's code with your code, but it doesn't work and also the page opens very slowly.

And yeah Matt you an try Site Link (please don't lol at the name xD )

EDIT: No i see the referrer name also disappers if the name is long. Many things are bugged in the registration. I'll try installing mybb manually and let you guys know.
Captcha.php gives a 404, file's missing.
Ok i tried it on a different host and works fine. I guess it was the host who was to blame.