One thing I'm noticing is that when I test run the code for the site news plugin, it's inserting a "." into the urls for the avatars, but everything else seems ok. Here's
the link to the news.php file with nothing altered. In the settings, the avatar is enabled, but it's inserting it wrong.
Mogadishu Wrote:Maby..But I Still get this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function updatethreadcount() in /home/alexzand/public_html/forum/inc/plugins/postonreg.php on line 205
With the new mod (you said you have updated it) .
Hope you Will help me with this Mod. Thank you !
Downloaded the MOD Again Today And It seems is OK. Thank you !
So Post on registration Mod Is Working (100% Now - MyBB 1.12)
Thanks Again.
Tikitiki Wrote:This should fix that
That did the trick, thanks Tikitiki.
Only thing I'm curious about now is if there's anyway to insert a border around quoted content?
Sure there is. in the css you can add "border: 3px;" - for the border ofcorse
Ahh, very nice. Thanks for the plugin Tkitiki. I've waited for something like this for a long time now, and it's one of the best features with the upgrade IMO. Thanks again.
Your Alpha opacity BBCode can be made to work with Firefox, also CSS 2 has opacity.
$message = preg_replace('#\[alpha\](.*?)\[/alpha]#i', "<div style=\"font-size:14px;letter-spacing:normal;font-style:normal;font-family:verdana;color:#00000;filter:Alpha(Opacity=50);height:18px;\">$1</div>", $message);
return preg_replace('#\[alpha(?:\=(.*?))\](.*?)\[/alpha]#i', "<div style=\"font-size:14px;letter-spacing:normal;font-style:normal;font-family:verdana;color:#00000;filter:Alpha(Opacity=".$matches[1].");height:18px;\">$2</div>", $message);
Replace with:
$message = preg_replace('#\[alpha\](.*?)\[/alpha]#i', "<div style=\"font-size:14px;letter-spacing:normal;font-style:normal;font-family:verdana;color:#00000;filter:Alpha(Opacity=50);-moz-opacity: 0.5; opacity: 0.5;height:18px;\">$1</div>", $message);
return preg_replace('#\[alpha(?:\=(.*?))\](.*?)\[/alpha]#i', "<div style=\"font-size:14px;letter-spacing:normal;font-style:normal;font-family:verdana;color:#00000;filter:Alpha(Opacity=".$matches[1].");-moz-opacity: 0.".$matches[1]."; opacity: 0.".$matches[1].";height:18px;\">$2</div>", $message);
:O ! Cool thanks CraKteR I will update the mod right away
edit: updated. thx
Tikitiki is planning to add an extra feature to the double post auto merger, isn't he?
When 2 posts are getting merged, the post date will be updated, and the post itself will be listed as a new post (in the search results page)