(2008-12-30, 12:57 AM)Jockl Wrote: [ -> ]Would it be possible to integrate the feature to ban users not only from forums but also from threads? Perhaps this could be a feature for an update of the plugin in the future.
That's actually a pretty good idea and probably not too terribly hard to do.
(2008-12-30, 04:21 AM)Ryan Gordon Wrote: [ -> ]That's actually a pretty good idea and probably not too terribly hard to do.
That would be great! I am looking forward to it if this could be realized.
@Ryan did you fix your plugin?
Bug in your PMadmin...
When you search for a users PMs the pagination doesn't work.
To start you have typos:
$additional_criteria = implode("&", $additional_criteria);
$additional_critera = "&".$additional_critera;
Should be:
$additional_criteria = implode("&", $additional_criteria);
$additional_criteria = "&".$additional_criteria;
But it still doesn't work.
So I fixed this too:
$query = $db->simple_select("users", "uid, username", "uid='".intval($mybb->input['fromuid'])."'");
$user = $db->fetch_array($query);
$from_filter = $user['username'];
$additional_sql_criteria .= " AND pm.fromid='".intval($mybb->input['fromuid'])."'";
$additional_criteria[] = "fromuid=".intval($mybb->input['fromuid']);
else if($mybb->input['from_username'])
$query = $db->simple_select("users", "uid, username", "LOWER(username)='".my_strtolower($mybb->input['from_username'])."'");
$user = $db->fetch_array($query);
$from_filter = $user['username'];
$errors[] = $lang->error_invalid_user;
$from_filter = $mybb->input['from_username'];
$additional_sql_criteria .= "AND pm.fromid='{$user['uid']}'";
$additional_criteria[] = "fromuid={$user['uid']}";
You had fromid= instead of fromuid=.
Now I see same problem with touid section.
$query = $db->simple_select("users", "uid, username", "uid='".intval($mybb->input['touid'])."'");
$user = $db->fetch_array($query);
$to_filter = $user['username'];
$additional_sql_criteria .= " AND pm.toid='".intval($mybb->input['touid'])."'";
$additional_criteria[] = "touid=".intval($mybb->input['touid'])."";
else if($mybb->input['to_username'])
$query = $db->simple_select("users", "uid, username", "LOWER(username)='".my_strtolower($mybb->input['to_username'])."'");
$user = $db->fetch_array($query);
$to_filter = $user['username'];
$errors[] = $lang->error_invalid_user;
$to_filter = $mybb->input['to_username'];
$additional_sql_criteria .= "AND pm.toid='{$user['uid']}'";
$additional_criteria[] = "touid={$user['uid']}";
I am attaching my altered plugin file in case you want to review it. The above are the only changes I made.
Thanks Ryan for this great plugin btw.
(2008-12-30, 01:45 AM)Pirata Nervo Wrote: [ -> ]Before that line, add:
global $db;
Try again
Even after adding that line, I am still unable to uninstall this plugin.
My guests are able to see only first thread in forums whereas once you login, all threads are visible correctly. I have a suspicion that this plugin is creating some problem and I want to uninstall this but am getting the error.
Kindly guide as to what to do.
Hi Ryan,
Post on registration is a nice and useful Mod but could it be elaborated on so it would allow the use of multiple topic texts (canned messages) to be used randomly instead of only one "generic" welcome message, similar to SMF's "Welcome Topic Mod"?
hi i have an Problem with the MyBB eCellular Plugin.
It works good as long as there not special things inside an thread? i get on many threads XML parsing failed.
"XML parsing failed: syntax error 9line:5,Character:352)"
but this message is everytime different
Error: mismatched end-tag
I am updating to 'akismet version 1.2.1', and would like to know specifically where to place the files on the MyBB directory?