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Pages: 1 2 could be sold, I don't use it at the moment.

Won't offer my other domains Toungue

Kind regards
Lennart Sauter
Eh... I'm still leaning towards Cohen do you have AIM or MSN?
(2009-11-07, 03:06 AM)Killswitch2 Wrote: [ -> ]Eh... I'm still leaning towards Cohen do you have AIM or MSN?

Yes, MSN

[email protected] is my MSN.

Other contact details at
Never mind guys, I went ahead and registered so this thread can be closed.
Nice domain! I like it.
(2009-11-08, 12:43 AM)FullMetalBabe Wrote: [ -> ]Nice domain! I like it.

Thanks. I'm currently sketching out ideas to implement onto the site Smile
Sounds like MyBB Source Toungue It's like a re-source lol /jk

Sounds like a nice domain though.
Closed by request.
Pages: 1 2