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Full Version: Data Extracts from MyBB database
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Hello all,

I am going to create some preset reports for my admins to run on the users of our site.

Basically I believe I am able to create a link that will run an sql-query that I define on the database....however I don't necessarily want to show the results on a formatted page, but rather pipe it to how would I do it?

So there would be for example a link that runs the following:

SELECT mybb_users.uid, mybb_userfields_firstname, mybb_userfields_lastname, mybb_userfields_street1, mybb_userfields_street2, mybb_userfields_street3, mybb_userfields_city, mybb_userfields_postcode, mybb_country_countryname
FROM mybb_users, mybb_userfields, mybb_country
WHERE mybb_users.hardcopyapproval='YES' AND (mybb_users.uid=mybb_userfields.ufid) AND (mybb_users.countryid=mybb_countryid) AND mybb_users.addressquality='MAILABLE';

(quite obviously a query to pull mailing-labels for a hardcopy-mailing)

this would then need to pop-up a 'file save -dialogue' with a CSV-file with proper encoding to protect the international characters...

can anyone help me?

So you want to extract information from the DB and put it into a csv file?

header('content-type: text/plain');
$query = $db->query([i]your query[/i]);
while($row = $db->fetch_array($query)){
echo implode(",", $row) . "\n";

Of course if the address has a comma in it, it will mess up your file. The best thing to do would be to use a tab character. If you want to copy/paste the info into excel you can and it will put it in columns correctly.
The above is the simplest way to do that.

If you want the file to be downloaded, add the code
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=[i]filename[/i]');
Below the other header statement.
good stuff...I will be trying this on for a size in a few days time Smile
