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Full Version: Install problem - database configuration bug?
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Hi, I'm trying to install myBB for the first time on my web server but encounter a problem during installation. I've been following the installer wiki and have double checked every step I've done so far.

The problem occurs when I'm gonna submit my database information. I type in the correct information (100% sure its the correct info. Have tested the connection with a php-script), I've even created several dbs and tested, but the installer page keep saying it cant connect to the db. Tried to use ToungueORTNUMBER also but no luck.

Couldn't find topics regarding this problem. Have anybody had the same problem? I can't think of a logic cause to the problem.
There's no bug, if it's saying they're incorrect it's because they're incorrect or the host is having MySQL problems. Double check with them that the details you're using are right.