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Full Version: How to access Image folder
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Can someone please tell me how to access the image folder (so i can change the star image of a rank)
The same way you uploaded MyBB, via FTP. Did you upload your forum files yourself??
(2009-11-21, 09:13 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]The same way you uploaded MyBB, via FTP. Did you upload your forum files yourself??

No, Its hosted my createmybb

Also quick question, what other hosts use mybb?
As said, using FTP.

If you don't know your FTP details contact your host and use a Free FTP Program like FileZilla Smile
Yeah, you don't have FTP access with CreateMyBB, you'll need to upload it to imageshack or something and give the full http:// URL in the setting for the star image. Not sure what you mean by 'use' MyBB, there a few more sites that are set up like CreateMyBB, where you just sign up and get a forum, but it's usually better to sign up to a regular host where you get FTP access.
ok thanks so where it says "image/star" replace that with the url
Correct Wink.
This might slow down your forum's loading times though, hot-linking like this isn't really recommended because of this, but if you're on CreateMyBB, you don't have any other choice.