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Full Version: Attachement coversion problem
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I am trying to upgrade from RC4 to 1.02 but running into problems with converting attachement to files.

I have appr. 600 attachments to convert to files. On the upgrade screen Attachement per page left at 50. Click on Next. It work twice.
On the third try, it say converting 100-150 attachments. At the bottom of the screen it say it's done. There were no progress bar or anything to indicate any convertion took place. There isn't a 'next' button either. Seems like it encounter and error and stop.

Did anyone else encounter this problem? Thanks.

Go back to the beginning of the upgrader and select RC4 again.

Then, enter a lower number of attachments per page and they board should continue where it left off.

Otherwise, you can try importing a database backup again and seeing if it works.
I fixed the problem and the upgrade completed successfully.

Basically, the problem was caused by a bad attachement. I went into the database and deleted the attachment that the script had problem converting.