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Full Version: Ad Space Problem
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I just upgraded to 1.4.10 and i have an ad spacing problem with the inline ads. It was working fine before in version 1.4.9

In between the 1st and 2nd post, when the ad shows in between, there is too much space (blank white space) after the ad.

Here is a screen example:

Here is the actual example of it on my forum:

Thanks to anyone that can help out Cool

Also, i'm thinking this is a template code problem, with the height or something maybe.
I can't see how the upgrade would have done this when it only changed the member_register_customfield, posticons and postbit_ignored template.

Looking at your source code you just have the code for the ads twice:

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-8589591413908094";
/* 728x90, created 20/10/09 */
google_ad_slot = "2412764323";
google_ad_width = 728;
google_ad_height = 90;
<script type="text/javascript"

</script></div><div align="center" class="inlinead"><script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-8589591413908094";
/* 728x90, created 20/10/09 */
google_ad_slot = "2412764323";
google_ad_width = 728;
google_ad_height = 90;

Remove one of them.
Hi Matt,

I just checked the ad code, it's not appearing twice, it's correct.

That may be for the top banner and the inline banner which is why you are seeing two of the same codes.

Any thoughts?
No, it's not at the top, I'm looking at the source for the code between posts, there's two occurrences of <div align="center" class="inlinead"> one after the other.


Which ad plugin are you using??

Edit: Now it's there once.
Yup, i fixed it. Turned out there was a problem in the post bit template.

There were 2 codes for the inline ad Smile

Thanks for your help Smile
Hi jak123
I saw your site ,it is clean with exact ads placement
May I know how did you managed to put the ads between the posts
and at the Top right?
kindly let me know
Hi Myth,

The ad at the top right hand corner is done by inserting the adsense ad code directly into the template header and by using the float:right property.

The ads between posts are done by using a the "Ad Manager" plugin. I got it from the MyBB central website, you must be a subscriber to download the plugin from there.

Thanks for the Info