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Full Version: Website HTML MyBB Integration
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Please tell me where I am supposed to copy header and footer from html template into MyBB?

I also need to use <body id="page1"> how do I go about that?

Template integration is so easy to do in vBulletin. I am trying to match MyBB to my website but am having no luck whatsoever Sleepy All this template this and theme that is just confusing.

First I copied header code from html file and placed it above the MyBB header code and copied footer code from html file and placed it below the MyBB foooter code. I then added my website css files to MyBB but it just isn't booming lol

I need header and footer from my website html to wrap around the MyBB forum. I need to use <body id="page1"> to do it but the <body> tag is in MyBB Index template and when replaced with my <body id="page1"> doesn't seem to do anything?

MyBB is a complete nightmare when it comes to template integration Sleepy
It's pretty easy if you know some HTML (aside crazy copy+paste)...

For the header just replace the code in the #header div. And for the footer, just paste it on the footer template after the closing divs that are in there. For the CSS just append your style to global.css of your theme. (Some styles might differ with this simplified explanation)
No worries. All sorted now.
