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Suddenly my bb does not display with any CSS. I was working fine ith the defaiult rounded theme but not it looks as if no theme is installed.

I noticed that the options buttons no longer work.

How to fix?

Thank you. ?

Error establishing a database connection.
(2009-12-09, 12:46 AM)Mark.M Wrote: [ -> ] ?

Error establishing a database connection.
(2009-12-09, 12:51 AM)busterkat Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009-12-09, 12:46 AM)Mark.M Wrote: [ -> ] ?

Error establishing a database connection.

sorry-.htaccess was off
I found the problem. Your theme is referencing the CSS file @

You need to change this to

In essence, take the "/index.php/" out of everything.
(2009-12-09, 01:00 AM)_jordan Wrote: [ -> ]I found the problem. Your theme is referencing the CSS file @

You need to change this to

In essence, take the "/index.php/" out of everything.

Jordan, i uploaded the global.css in your second expample to /mybb/cache/themes/theme5/global.css but I see no change.

wait a sec that was dumb..where do I change that path to the css?
Go into your themes and make an edit to something simple then save. It should rebuild your theme CSS. There was a bug that was fixed that might be lingering with you and requiring a css rebuild. As far as I know mybb doesn't rebuild css on upgrades.

This happened on one of my installs and that's how I fixed it.
(2009-12-09, 01:08 AM)busterkat Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009-12-09, 01:00 AM)_jordan Wrote: [ -> ]I found the problem. Your theme is referencing the CSS file @

You need to change this to

In essence, take the "/index.php/" out of everything.

Jordan, i uploaded the global.css in your second expample to /mybb/cache/themes/theme5/global.css but I see no change.

wait a sec that was dumb..where do I change that path to the css?

(2009-12-09, 01:53 AM)labrocca Wrote: [ -> ]Go into your themes and make an edit to something simple then save. It should rebuild your theme CSS. There was a bug that was fixed that might be lingering with you and requiring a css rebuild. As far as I know mybb doesn't rebuild css on upgrades.

This happened on one of my installs and that's how I fixed it.

OK, I edited global.css. There was no change. Does a cache need to be cleared?
Did you edit this in admincp?
(2009-12-09, 02:19 AM)labrocca Wrote: [ -> ]Did you edit this in admincp?

Yes, I did.

Your problem is your Board URL setting, it's this:

Don't change this setting unless you know why you're changing it and what it will do. You're not meant to put index.php at the end and your forum isn't even in a folder called mybb. Change it to this:

Then all should be well.

And Mark I keep clicking yes on your damn sig Toungue
Edit: Now I'm a bit confused, earlier the forum showed without the /mybb/ in the URL, now it's in the /mybb/ folder... in that case then your Board URL would need to be this:
Pages: 1 2