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Full Version: Find the threads you participated in
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In VB, whenever you participate in a thread, you become registered in it, and you see in the future any reply to it by going to the user control panel. Is there a similar feature in myBB?
At the bottom of a thread you find the link "Add Thread to Favorites". Click on it and the theme is listed in your favorites in your user-cp.
Can't this feature be activated by default???
What about the threads you write yourself? The logical way is that you want them to be in your favorites to see if someone replies to them. NO?

When you write a post you can choose to get an email at the post options when there's a reply.
But this is not my question. I would like a method where you can see all the threads your wrote. It's not practical to get an email every time one writes a reply. There should be a way to see all the posts you wrote.


There's no such option like vb has. What you can do is to go to your profile and search all posts/threads you wrote.
Some skins allow you to use a different icon for threads in which you have participated. On my board I can quickly go to the forums and look for threads with that icon.
hello george

Well the best thing that fit ur needs, is what Micheal has stated, using the (Find all Threads - Find All Posts) which you can find it in your profile. this will display all threads or posts u have made. it's the eaiseast way u can have.

as u told me , you want to have an automatic subscribtion of all the threads u make. well by default u have to tick the box ( ) when making a new thread, else than that u need a modification. this subscribtion will let u get a notification of any reply u get, and u will have access to them throught the User CP > Subscribed Threads .

However the best way is using the profile find tool.

now in case ur modifying ur board, and u wanna have a link somewhere that dispaly all the of ur , or any loged in user's posts , put this code in the place u want in ur board
<a href="search.php?action=finduserthreads&amp;uid=$mybbuser[uid]">Find All Posts</a>

many regards

*btw welcome from lebanon Wink
thanks Zaher.

Laie_techie, what skin are you talking about?

Looking further, looks like it's available in all skins.

Go to the ACP > Board Settings > Forum Display Options.
The option is called "Use 'dot' Icons" because in the default theme the icons have a dot in the upper-left corner.
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