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Full Version: Error uploading templates
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I am obviously doing something wrong or set something wrong because I cannot find any other threads where someon is unable to upload any themes. I FTP the image files, as directed. Then in the Admin CP>>Templates & Styles I find the XML file for the template. Ignore Version is unchecked, Import Stylesheets and Import Templates are both checked. When I click on "Import Theme" I get the following error;
The following errors were encountered:

•MyBB could not find the theme with the file you uploaded. Please check the file is the correct and is not corrupt.

This is a 100% failure, regardless which template I try to install.

Thanks in advance,
SW Joker
uhm... upload the image files in /img/

then at the admipcp you must upload the xml file in the theme area... that would work
It will still import if the images haven't been uploaded, the theme would just look bad.

Can you open the XML file and tell me what the last line of it is??