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Full Version: CHMOD is not working
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Ok well i use Smart ftp to change all my cHMOD files to 666 ever thing works

Then when i get down to uploads/avatars and change that to 666 i go back to the install thing and it is saying i did not do it I have tryed chaning it to 666 fore over a hour and it still wont work

I would really like to use this forum

So can anyone help me PLZ
Change it to 777.
I have tryed to do that and it still will not work
I got it to install Finlly Smile))
What did you do??? I have the same problem
A common problem is not chmodding the folders (although in case you are told to). If you have your forum in a folder (eg then you'll need to go and chmod the forum folder too.
The folders upload and upload/avatars may have to be CHMODed 777 to work correctly. The files can be CHMODed 666 usually. It depends on the server configuration, but usually 777 for the folders and 666 for files is enough, if not more.