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I was wondering if anyone could be kind enough to help me out.
I'm attempting to replicate my forums theme on my main page.
I want my main page to use the CSS from the default theme on my forum.
If the default theme is changed through the AdminCP I want that link to remain the same but link to the new default theme.
I'm not sure if I'm making much sense since its fairly early and I haven't been to sleep,
but if anyone has any clue what I'm talking about and think they can help I would appreciate it.
Can't you just place the following in the header of your site?
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="http://your-forum-address/cache/themes/your-theme/global.css" />

Unless I'm misunderstanding you.
Yeah that's what I'm using now, but I was wondering if there was a way for me it to detect what my default theme is and use its CSS. Currently I have to input the name of my theme in the CSS url. I suppose its not that big of a deal since I don't plan to change my theme anytime soon. I was just trying to automate things a little more.