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Full Version: Disabling Avatars & Calendar Question
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New here, so bear with me!

1. I don't want avatars to be used on my board at all. How can I disable them?

2. How can I stop guests accessing and posting public events to the calendar?

3. How can I stop guests accessing the members list?

Basically, I'd like calendar and members list only to be available to registered users.

Oh yes,.....

4. How can I get rid of that technical mumbo jumbo at the bottom of the page which says "this page has been generated in 0.39876043 zillionths of a second?" though anyone cares!

Both 2 and 3 are permission issues. From the ACP go to Manage Groups in the Users and Groups section. Both of these requests deal with people not logged in, so choose Unregistered / Not Logged In (you'll want to repeat this for Banned).
hello there

Quote:1. I don't want avatars to be used on my board at all. How can I disable them?
Admin CP > Users and Groups > Manage Groups > all groups > Edit
find and disable Can Upload Avatars

in case some have had any avatar before, then run this in ur phpmyadmin

update mybb_users set avatar='' where avatar like '%'

Quote:2. How can I stop guests accessing and posting public events to the calendar?

Go to Admin CP > Users and Groups > Manage Groups > Unregistered / Not Logged In > Edit
Find Can View Calendar and set it to now.

Quote:3. How can I stop guests accessing the members list?
Same as above but find Can View Memberlist

Quote:4. How can I get rid of that technical mumbo jumbo at the bottom of the page which says "this page has been generated in 0.39876043 zillionths of a second?" though anyone cares!

This is only viewable by admins Smile anyway if u wanna remove it, go to Admin CP > Templates > Modify / Delete > EXPAND > footer

find and delete this
<div id="debug"><debugstuff></div>

Thanks guys for the replies, tremendously helpful. Appreciated.
