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Good evening friends
i am new in this Forum-Design,programming style .I installed google seo and i want to know if i have the domain on:
How should the robots.txt look like?

This is my robots.txt file:


User-Agent: *
Disallow: captcha.php
Disallow: editpost.php
Disallow: misc.php
Disallow: modcp.php
Disallow: moderation.php
Disallow: newreply.php
Disallow: newthread.php
Disallow: online.php
Disallow: printthread.php
Disallow: private.php
Disallow: ratethread.php
Disallow: report.php
Disallow: reputation.php
Disallow: sendthread.php
Disallow: task.php
Disallow: usercp.php
Disallow: usercp2.php
Disallow: calendar.php
Disallow: *action=emailuser*
Disallow: *action=nextnewest*
Disallow: *action=nextoldest*
Disallow: *year=*
Disallow: *action=weekview*
Disallow: *action=nextnewest*
Disallow: *action=nextoldest*
Disallow: *sort=*
Disallow: *order=*
Disallow: *mode=*
Disallow: *datecut=*
Allow: /

Is the robots.txt good for my root domain?
Just like you have given is OK.Możesz also throw in there blocking access to the search engine robots do not want on your forum and lock folders with sensitive data, the team forums for departments and similar pages.
if i want to restrict a subdomain how is the code?
