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Full Version: display small thumbnails In the list of threads.
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Im trying to track down a plugin or something so I can display small thumbnails In the list of threads. So instead of having a boring vertical list of threads in each section, itll look much nicer with images then thread name. Id love it if this was created automatically from the first imagge attatched inside
up for you. I will like to have this plugin too.

Here's an example from the hk discuz forum software

note the thumbnails at the side of the thread listing.
Open forumdisplay.php and find the following;
            $attachment_count = '';

and add just below it the following code;

       $att_thumbnail = '';
            $query = $db->query("
                       SELECT a.thumbnail
                    FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."attachments a
                LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts p ON (
                    WHERE p.tid='{$thread['tid']}' AND a.filetype LIKE '%image%'
                        ORDER BY a.dateuploaded ASC
                LIMIT 0,1
            $thumbnail = $db->fetch_field($query, 'thumbnail');
                $att_thumbnail = "<div style=\"float:left\"><img src=\"./uploads/{$thumbnail}\" /></div>";

Then open forumdisplay_thread template
and find;


and after it, add the following;

Save the template Wink
^^ That code was originally by LeX- btw:
thanks for all the helpful support.. I'll try the codes tonight..