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Today I got the idea to show you how you can set the attribute rel="noffolow" for all and only a forum for some links.

To set atrubut noffolow a forum for all the links you need to edit the file
class_parser.php located in the directory inc. After opening the file, find the line:
$link="<a href=\"$fullurl\" target=\"_blank\">$name</a>";
And replace with:
$link="<a href=\"$fullurl\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">$name</a>";

Thanks to all links on the forums will not be visited unless the individual links add rel="follow" (link will be visited).

You can also add an attribute to a single link noffolow such link to the website user (button beneath the post). To do this, edit the template that contains a link to which you want to add noffolow - in my case it is a template postbit_www.
Once the template is opened it must replace a line in it:
<a href="{$post['website']}" target="_blank"><img src="{$theme['imglangdir']}/postbit_www.gif" alt="{$lang->postbit_website}" title="{$lang->postbit_website}" /></a>

<a href="{$post['website']}" target="_blank" rel="noffolow"><img src="{$theme['imglangdir']}/postbit_www.gif" alt="{$lang->postbit_website}" title="{$lang->postbit_website}" /></a>

By contrast, when the set of all odnośnikom attribute noffolow a single reference I have is the follow attribute, edit the appropriate template, which contains the link - I use the template postbit_www. Overridden if the default code:
<a href="{$post['website']}" target="_blank" rel=”follow”><img src="{$theme['imglangdir']}/postbit_www.gif" alt="{$lang->postbit_website}" title="{$lang->postbit_website}" /></a>

As can be seen in the examples above to follow the link has an attribute / tag belongs to noffolow <a> add such code:

Attention! If you want all links have an attribute you do not follow him to add to class_parser.php file because it is set by default.

In the same way you can set the attribute index (links will be indexed) or noindex (links will not be indexed).