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Full Version: Mass e-mail settings
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Hello, first I would like to say that you in the MyBB team have made the friggin best forum around so, kudos to you.

Yeah im quite new att using MyBB and I have a question, where do i setup my mass e-mail settings I mean my POP3 and SMTP etc?
I have searched and searched but can't find it.

And thanks again for the great MyBB!

well under Admin CP > Users & Groups > Mass Mail this will send to all of your members!!

Yes thanks, but I already knew that, but where to set up the settings for POP3 and SMTP, that I don't know
MyBB uses the php mail function so there's no need to configure a smtp server. The only thing you can set is the sender's email (General configuration).
The only place where you can configure a SMTP server is if you have access to the PHP configuration (php.ini)...I think...

There's no option at the moment for MyBB to use an external SMTP server, instead of the mail() function.