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Full Version: Error on Private Message Header (updated title)
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There seems to be a problem with my forum's private message alerts and unapproved posts. How do I re-install my MyBB forum?

Thank you very much! Smile
You can't really re-install per say, you got to delete all files and make a backup of the database and install the clean copy and than hook that up to the old database. If you still get the PM problem that you got to manually edit the database or be willingly to start all over again Sad.
Reinstalling probably isn't the solution, read this thread

Give us more specific information about your problems and we will help you resolve them.
ah I see...

The problems are:

1.) The private message notification bar does not display the subjects properly and the links are broken. The subjects are replaced by some random text/numbers like this one: "93483084>{4}" and when we click on them it shows an Invalid PM message.

2.) On the admin panel, it says that there are X unapproved posts but when you click on the link, it does not display any.
That is nowhere near worth reinstalling your forum for and starting from scratch, especially the first one.

1. Simply upload a new copy of ./inc/languages/english/global.lang.php from a fresh download, looks like you didn't upload it in a recent update.

2. Have you run the recount and rebuild tools??
i've used the recount and rebuild tools and it worked..

i haven't tried the language file yet but this is the problem that i want to be fixed:
[Image: bg5o4y.gif]

thanks Smile
Yes, it's to do with language files, hence me saying to upload a new one Smile
Thank you very much! It worked already Smile