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Does anyone know if any avatar systems for MyBB exist?

By 'avatar systems', I mean the kind you would find on sites such as GaiaOnline, Menewsha, etc. They employ a base and layers of images output as a single image, the "avatar".

I want to use it in conjunction with a point and shop system, which I've already found and added to my site.

So, does one exist or would someone be interested in writing one? :)
You may need to offer to pay someone to do this.
I checked around for a while, haven't found one in existence.
I don't know of any such system which is open source.

It would be time consuming and require artistic talent to do well, but it shouldn't be that difficult. Create a hashed file name based off selections (background image, gender, clothes, and other layers) and cache your dynamically created image. Aside from actually creating all the images for the layers, the hardest part would be to line up the layers and draw them in the right order.

If you tie it into MyBB, you can have some layers only available to certain groups. Or make it work with a points plugin and users can use their points to buy accessories / additional layers.
Would be possible, and not too hard, but as said it would require the actual clothing, etc