I'm having some trouble installing myBB on my local server which runs php 5.1.2, and mysql 4.1.
1) I created the myBB dB:
mysqladmin create photoforum
2) I granted all permissions on the database to the "photos" user:
grant all privileges on photoforum.* to photos@"localhost" identified by 'Y5thc$gJ9l';
3) I went to the installer, enter my db details
4) Clicked next, and it successfully created all the db tables.
5) Clicked next to populate those tables, and it gave me:
mySQL error: 1045
Access denied for user 'photos'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
What's up?
if you realy could creating tables , there was a strange thing. but if you can view your phpmyadmin and you can not find tables i think found your problem
usually when cpanel users make a new DB and USER for mysql, they enter a name but name of thable and users that created is not exactly what they entered...
it usually seems [yourCpanelUserName]_[yourEnteredString]
e.g. if your user name (that you authenticate with it in cpanel) is myusername and you'd like to make a DB with XXX name your created db is named: myusername_XXX
also fo users there occurs a same thing...
i hope to help you.
The installation in 1.0x can be wrong. The installer sometimes says that it has created all of the tables, when in fact, some or all of them may have failed. (This has been fixed in the next version)
You should do what imei said about looking at phpMyAdmin for the tables. If they haven't been created, then you should go back into your database administration and check that your MySQL username/passwords are correct.
show tables;
in the mysql command line tool shows all tables. I don't have phpmyadmin installed, i'm not running cpanel.
So all the mybb tables have been inserted correctly?
can you connect with mysql with your original username also with additional one?
try to insert and create some tables and data manually plz
The tables were created, but writing the default values to those tables fails.
root@grep[/var/log] $ mysql photoforum -u photos -p
Enter password:
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 837 to server version: 4.1.15
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_photoforum |
| mybb_adminlog |
| mybb_adminoptions |
| mybb_announcements |
| mybb_attachments |
| mybb_attachtypes |
| mybb_awaitingactivation |
| mybb_badwords |
| mybb_banned |
| mybb_datacache |
| mybb_events |
| mybb_favorites |
| mybb_forumpermissions |
| mybb_forums |
| mybb_forumsubscriptions |
| mybb_groupleaders |
| mybb_helpdocs |
| mybb_helpsections |
| mybb_icons |
| mybb_joinrequests |
| mybb_moderatorlog |
| mybb_moderators |
| mybb_polls |
| mybb_pollvotes |
| mybb_posts |
| mybb_privatemessages |
| mybb_profilefields |
| mybb_regimages |
| mybb_reportedposts |
| mybb_reputation |
| mybb_searchlog |
| mybb_sessions |
| mybb_settinggroups |
| mybb_settings |
| mybb_smilies |
| mybb_templates |
| mybb_templatesets |
| mybb_themes |
| mybb_threadratings |
| mybb_threads |
| mybb_threadsread |
| mybb_userfields |
| mybb_usergroups |
| mybb_users |
| mybb_usertitles |
| pun_bans |
| pun_categories |
| pun_censoring |
| pun_config |
| pun_forum_perms |
| pun_forums |
| pun_groups |
| pun_online |
| pun_posts |
| pun_ranks |
| pun_reports |
| pun_search_cache |
| pun_search_matches |
| pun_search_words |
| pun_subscriptions |
| pun_topics |
| pun_users |
61 rows in set (0.00 sec)
(i installed punbb on this db as well, ignore pun_ tables)
Pun had no trouble writing data to these tables either.