MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Registered for x amount of time to open thread.
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They can see the sections, they can see the thread titles but they cannot see the thread itself, until they have been registered x amount of time and if they arn't registered, they cannot access the threads until they register and wait. This makes people wait longer, thus probably being board and might browse the forum. They possibly could get interested in it and then could end up being an active member. So the plugin settings would be something like this:

User group IDs:
Forum IDs:
Wait time (mins:hours:days):

I am really in need of this program so they benefits are:
-They must register to access the information/downloads/etc. (+1 member)
-Randoms cannot come and grab your information and leave.
-Possibly gain an active member

Thanks for reading! And possibly thanks for developing...! ToungueToungueToungue
This could be done as a plugin, but would make more sense just to add a group promotion.