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Full Version: Openbase_dir Error
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Hey guys

One of the users hosted on my server is having an issue with MyBB, whereby on quick reply, the following error is displayed:

We also believe it may have something to do with this setting:


He said that without it, ": it silently failed to include and gave a parse error" on install. After uncommenting, it worked.

He tried setting it to the full absolute path of his forums (/home/user/public_html/forums), however that resulted in the following error on every page:

"Fatal error: Class 'errorHandler' not found in /home/snapper/public_html/gamerwarfare/forums/inc/init.php on line 56"

So for now it returns on the defualt './'.

No other clients are reporting any similar issues, I'm not having any problems either (I have multiple sites and forums on the server).

PS. Also, I've just learned, he had to modify this in global.php for init.php to be loaded, otherwise it dies with a " Fatal Error: call to an undefinedfunction "Read" on line 20-something".
//require_once $working_dir."/inc/init.php";

require_once "./inc/init.php";

So this is probably directly related to whatever problem is causing this.

Some help or debugging tips would be appreciated,