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Full Version: Disabling Signatures & Avatars For Awaiting Activation Group
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I've looked through the permissions for the "Awaiting Activation" group and I can't find any option to disable avatars or signatures, I see you can disable users uploading avatars, but I want to completely stop signatures and avatars for users awaiting activation.

I know I could just disable the user cp all together, but then users can't change passwords or email addresses if they make a mistake or something..

So any ideas how to disable signatures and avatars for the "Awaiting activation" group.


P.s How do you change the limit editing time for individual groups.
You could always disable User cp all together and then make a forum to post requests such as that...
To post requests for password and email changes, time waster to be honest....Everything else is fine... I'm just being a perfectionist ;D

What's so bad about having signatures? But, this is just for Unactivated Accounts, right? I mean, how long will it take for them to activate it...?
(2010-03-14, 12:23 PM)George_HF Wrote: [ -> ]P.s How do you change the limit editing time for individual groups.

I don't think you can do this for individual groups (except possibly with a code modification or plugin).

In fact, I don't think you can do any of this without a plugin/modification. I didn't realize these permissions weren't readily available, but if they are then I'm missing where. I've been watching this thread hoping for an answer as well (I don't "need" it right this minute, but it'd be good to have IMO). In my case, I'm not after the "activation" so much as being able to easily disallow for either specific users or a specific usergroup for various reasons (such as abuse of the feature).
Maybe you should request this as a plugin?
Mod, It's to stop people just signing up with a fake email, putting a link to there site and leaving...

If they are activated their account, most likely real, as I've blocked most fake emails.
(2010-03-14, 04:46 PM)George_HF Wrote: [ -> ]I've blocked most fake emails.

Really? WOW! Because I'd have thought there were an infinite number of fake email addresses available, not only by specific domains designed for this but also by the fact that anyone who can break captcha can register an email address.

Plus they can put a link to their website without a signature or avatar...there's even a specific place for one!

and recaptcha is generally pretty good at ruling out bots and there are plugins for that...

And the plugin is also pretty good, from what I've seen (by using it on a site that was previously severely overrun by spam).
ladyunicornejg, Please stop replying to the thread unless you have a solution. I know what I want.


P.s Loose the signature, it's really annoying.
George_HF, last I checked I (as well as anyone else) could reply to any thread I wanted. For that matter, my last post was providing other possibilities that already exist. But since you're dead set on this particular method here's the only solution I can see: Request a plugin. (or search for one, as there may already be one). There you go, I've even included a solution here.


P.S. It breaks no rules and you're the only one who has said anything to me regarding it, so I see no reason to remove my signature at this time. You may well be able to block images from the domain it's on (which is one of mine, not an image hosting service) if it bothers you.
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