I would like to request if possible of course a forum for MyBB users to post and show off there MyBB Communities. Maybe call it MyBB User Showcase. People can plug there mybb community and tell others about it. It's a great way for mybb users to come together and expand there interests at the same time promoting mybb as there forum of choice

well, I like a dedicated forum, subforum is cool to but sticky tends to get overlooked but if Chjris thinks it's cool then however he thinks is best is cool with me. It'll help promote for sure. Just one of the many ideas I have on getting the word out for mybb software

There we go, I have added it.. Post away

Your Rock Chris. Thanks for implementing the suggestions. My site is not quite ready but soon

Chris Boulton Wrote:There we go, I have added it.. Post away 
Quite a few typos there ey, Chris?

hehehe, was going to post about that: Ye old faithful anal ones we are........lol

Argh, it was the morning! I am allowed to make mistakes in the morning! Hehe.. fixed