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Full Version: Members cant post???
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When ever a member trys to post they get this message

You do not have permission to access this page. This could be because of one of the following reasons:

1. Your account has either been suspended or you have been banned from accessing this resource.
2. You do not have permission to access this page. Are you trying to access administrative pages or a resource that you shouldn't be? Check in the forum rules that you are allowed to perform this action.
3. Your account may still be awaiting activation or moderation. (Resend Activation Code)

You are currently logged in with the username: 'tester'

How do i fix it?
Give them permission to post? Have to make sure it's allowed multiple places

ACP -> Users & Groups -> Groups -> GROUP -> Forums and Posts
group should be registered by default, but I dunno if you set up another one. Make sure the correct boxes are checked.


ACP -> Forums & Posts -> Forum Management -> EACH FORUM -> Forum Permissions
each forum being each forum they're supposed to be able to post in...make sure the correct boxes are checked for the group they're in to post.
thanks but
I did that, and he still cant post?
This may sound silly but that account is definitely activated isn't it?

Can you provide your board URL so we can take a look.
Your tester account seems to be able to post in the News and Discussion category. Make sure you have the permissions correctly set for all of the categories and forums as ladyunicornejg said.

PM me admin logins and I'll take a look for you if you'd like.