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Full Version: Website Makeover
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Pages: 1 2
The theme really isn't bad at all. Just look at other forum scripts' default theme...
I'm thinking we should go retro... Toungue
oh I remember that design. Honestly it's not horrible (far from great but not horrible).
(2010-04-19, 01:46 AM)DougSD Wrote: [ -> ]I'm thinking we should go retro... Toungue

Actually i like that. I may copy it, nice clean design.
I think the header image should be some cool design with squares, kind of like this - but not animated of course (...or maybe).
(2010-04-19, 01:46 AM)DougSD Wrote: [ -> ]I'm thinking we should go retro... Toungue

I do like that theme, but it hardly shows off how nice mybb can actually look. Wink
Pages: 1 2