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Full Version: New PM Popup
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I only want to know where the code is to display the new pm popup. I only found in headinclude a var named $newpmmsg and in general.js a function called newPM(). But nowhere a place where one of them called or filled.

Oh I found it in the file functions.php in function parsepage($contents).

It seems that $newpmmsg in headinclude template is deprecated.
well no !! not like that

$newpmmsg should indeed be in the header include.

the loadpmpopup set is in ./inc/class_session.php
if($mybb->user['pmpopup'] == "new")
            $popupadd = ", pmpopup='yes'";
            $loadpmpopup = 1;
            $loadpmpopup = 0;

and in In functions.php, the following code is used to check whether to show a New PM Popup or not
if(substr($PHP_SELF, -strlen("private.php")) != "private.php")
$contents = str_replace("<body", "<body onload=\"java script:newPM()\"", $contents);

But I don't found the var $newpmmsg which is used in template headinclude in no php file. So why they should stay there in the template?
Can anyone help! I have the same problem Sad

I did all these but can't solve Sad
Why bump an old thread? Next time please just create one instead of bumping.. What exactly are you after?

In inc/functions.php on lines 203-209:
		if(my_substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], -strlen("private.php")) != "private.php")
			$contents = str_replace("<body", "<body onload=\"Javascript:MyBB.newPM()\"", $contents);
In inc/class_session.php on lines 169-178
if($mybb->user['pmpopup'] == "new" && $mybb->settings['enablepms'] != "no")
			$popupadd = ", pmpopup='yes'";
			$loadpmpopup = 1;
			$popupadd = '';
			$loadpmpopup = 0;

Does that answer your question??
Yes, thanks Smile I have the same codes but popup don't works.

serdar588 Wrote:I have the same codes but popup don't works.
First, do you have javascript disabled? If so, enable it. What about a popup blocker? Please disable it or make your site whitelisted(on the allowed list).