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Full Version: [Release] Green Luxury - 1.0
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Green Luxury - Version 1.0

Live Demo: - Go to the bottom and press "Green Luxury".


Do not remove the copyright in the footer.

Theme created by Exegen Network (

-Rozzy. Smile
That's very nice actually.
Oh thank you, it's actually my first theme. Smile
Very clean and simple, nice! Big Grin
Thanks. Smile Hopefully I get some suggestions for my next theme. d:
I would suggest not using a 'G' for the 'Forum Contains (No) New Posts', because to a user the G doesn't really stand for anything.

Very nice, though.
It stands for "Green" but... I'm thinking of releasing more than one colour, so I might change it to "L" for Luxury :p
Still, the L wouldn't mean anything.

It's supposed to transmit the idea of a new post (or not).
I didn't know what to do for the buttons. So I just had a light gradient as on.gif and a dark gradient as off.gif.
Still waiting for it to be validated before you can download. :\
Not Found
The requested URL /themes/greenluxury.html was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

When I try to go to it. Sad
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