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Full Version: Custom Moderator Tools Expansion
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This is not a suggestion I'd expect to see incorporated until 2.0, but it could make customization easier.

I just finished making a rather simple code edit to integrate MyBB with my site. What I wanted was for personally selected threads to display on the site's homepage and a custom moderation tool was really the easiest way to do this.

To incorporate the integration, I created a new column in the threads table called 'indexpage' and when that is set to 1, the thread will show on the index page. However, to be able to set that field to 1 required me to create a custom moderator tool and then edit class_custommoderation.php myself to add an update query for when that tool was run. Had to do the same thing to reset the field to 0.

My suggestion is to add an update option in the custom moderator tools wizard. So you have "column" and "value" fields. So you could set 'column' to 'indexpage' and 'value' to '1'. And have that on both thread and post tool options obviously.

This would allow to actually create custom moderator tools rather than just use a combination of already existing ones.
Interesting idea but this doesn't seem like something most people would use. What you're trying to accomplish is more of a plugin than something that should be default.
I agree with scoutie if you if your going to be doing custom code it's best to be handled through a plugin.