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Where do I add how many mb a user may upload as attachment .
In the usergroup settings under the Forums and Posts options there's an option for the total limit, the limit for an actual attachment is configurable in the Attachment Types section of the Configuration area.
Thanks I did not expect it there.
Is their a way to add latest image attachment on the portal??
You'd need a plugin.
OK Thanks,

I was bussy with testing it but I get an error and still some questions.

First the error about the attachment. When you upload an attachment you see an icon in the front of the name of the attachment. I uploaded a jpg image but in stead of an icon I get a red cross (not found).
I try to located where the icon must be and I saw there was not a jpg icon so I created one.
I uploaded this to /images/attachtypes (I call the icon jpg.gif) and still the red cross. Also the file /images/attachtypes/image.gif is there.
When I ask for properties you see Address (URL)
What is wrong??

When you upload an attachment as jpg where will they be uploaded?

When you upload an attachment jpg, there will be made a thumb but what will be happen with the original uploaded photo. Is this still a jpg or will it get another extension.
It's there fine for me:

Can you give us a test account please.
1. You need to edit your attachment types in the Admin CP and make sure each type has a valid image file associated with it as the icon.

2. All uploads are stored in the /uploads/ folder.

3. All uploads are renamed to an .attach extension. This is so that they are not directly executable by the browser (especially if you allow .php uploads)
ok here is a test account

mn: mybbtester2
pw: 10052010

Then you had to go to the following url (edit a post):

scroll down till you see the attachment, there you see a small red cross what must be an icon of jpg.