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Full Version: Images/Graphics In Signatures
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Pages: 1 2
Personally when I edit an image too big I just resize it rather than snip it... work out the ratio to get it to be within 500x100 and resize it. [img=500x100]...
I have done that before but seriously, by the time you get out your calculator and remember what you learnt about fractions in primary school you could have received 10 support PM's Toungue
That's where Chrome comes in. Picnik extension, shows all images on page. Click the sig image, opens in Picnik. Resize, get the new dimensions. 30 seconds, no thought required Toungue
But Matt, you shouldn't have to be spending your time resizing the images, not when we have rules stating what they should be as far as size.
(2010-05-09, 01:48 PM)lufbra Wrote: [ -> ]But Matt, you shouldn't have to be spending your time resizing the images, not when we have rules stating what they should be as far as size.

Maybe he is bored :p lol
I have taken a good trawl over the forums and snipped quite a number of signatures so hopefully that will remind enough people of the rules. Feel free to report anyone else you find with an oversize signature.
Thanks Tim. Smile
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