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Full Version: Downgrade MyBB Tutorial [Need Mod Approval]
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This will guide you through downgrading. Your plugins and themes WILL NOT be preserved, u can move some plugins, if you know where there files are.
For this tut to work you MUST have a backup from before you upgraded.
ok, here goes:

  1. Backup your DB currently.
  2. Rename current forum dir to OLD eg: /forums/ will go to /forumsOld/
  3. Create your new forum dir via FTP
  4. Download MyBB latest release and upload it
  5. Create a New DB for this install.
  6. Install MyBB
  7. Open your DB CP (make sure to open the DB that the new forum is installed to) and delete all the mybb_ prefixed tables
  8. Upload your DB backup from before you upgraded MyBB to the DB that you just deleted the tables from
  9. Visit your forum. it should now be downgraded to the older version
I am not held responsible if anything goes wrong during this downgrade.

Please can a Mod post their approval? It's jst safer that way.
I don't understand what you are doing...
But this wont revert any database changes made by the upgrade script?
It will. He is telling how to import your backup from before the upgrade.
It doesn't make sense, what if you don't have a backup, this is pointless.
(2010-05-17, 10:12 AM)Aaron Wrote: [ -> ]It doesn't make sense, what if you don't have a backup, this is pointless.

No, really?!

If you're stupid enough to upgrade your live forum after we've made it extremely clear not to, and then don't take a backup beforehand, then you are SOL.
LOL, I haven't done that...I'm not that stupid, was a passing observation.
I don't see why I would downgrade a forum anyway. If the next version has a lot of bugs or is beta, then I'm not stupid enough to go upgrade. I read warnings and take heed of them.
(2010-05-17, 04:59 PM)Aaron Wrote: [ -> ]LOL, I haven't done that...I'm not that stupid, was a passing observation.

Sorry, my second sentence wasn't talking about you - It was referring to those that have done that.
I can downgrade a mybb 1.6 forum to a 1.4x manually without a backup by undoing all the db changes. However it will be 500 dollars as it is a very difficult and tedius task to do.

I have downgraded the same way several forums when Smf 2 beta first came out and later as well, to smf 1x1.

So whomever upgraded without making a backup and wants to downgrade, affording my price of course, can contact me anytime.

Time of downgrade, 2-3 days.

P.s. Great work on mybb 1.6 mybb team.
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