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Do [ANY] Plugins Work for 1.6 o.0 because Seems Nothing Works : /
You realise 1.6 is in Beta right?
No, they need to be updated, because 1.4 is not 1.6. Some will just need the version compatibility changed, some will need more.
(2010-05-23, 10:02 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]No, they need to be updated, because 1.4 is not 1.6. Some will just need the version compatibility changed, some will need more.

How Do I Do That?
If you need to ask I wouldn't recommend doing it. You shouldn't have upgraded your forums to beta if you need your plugins. Did you not read the sticky thread at the top of this forum??
I Did But It Had New Featues so me Big Grin <<< Not Smart Went To 1.6 because We Having Problems With SB so i didnt read and yeah : /
You upgraded to beta software because you were having a problem with a shoutbox?? Here I'm assuming SB means shoutbox. Now you're on a version with almost no plugins and no shoutboxes at all so you've really only exacerbated your original problem whilst creating a lot of new ones. Upgrading to a beta to fix a plugin problem is mad Undecided