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Full Version: how secure is mybb?
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Hey all

when i look at the mod section a viewed some security mods.

They are all submitted on 27th February 2010 a few months ago..

So my question: How save is mybb?
Are you advising me to install those mods for better protection of mine mybb installation or is it just some fake fear making ?

Already thnx for the replays
MyBB is very safe, not seen many people getting hacked using it.
Also, you can't be attacked via portal.php, showteam.php and stats.php . They are just plugins for people to disable access to those pages
I don't know why the author of those has said they aid security. They do not. None of those will increase security at all. The portal poses absolutely no risk, if you can't find staff via the forum team you can just find them on the memberlist, and the stats just displays, well, stats, half of which show on the index too, and I don't know how any of those stats can pose any sort of risk.

MyBB is as secure as we can make it, whenever an issue is found we fix it ASAP.
How secure is your house? Pretty secure unless you leave your windows and doors open 24/7 and have weak security such as no alarms,etc.

MyBB is very secure, unless YOU make it unsecure...
oke ty for the replays.
As you're answers and also other users write that myb now a days is a save place Smile
I'm convinced that mybb is save for using.

i've also found a secure plugin of 2008 ( )
maybe, its an idea to rank up the plug-ins on the created version. Like 1.4 and 1.6 will be more secure then 1.0 ( or what ever version that plug-in was made for).
So it becomes for new users ( like me) easy to view what plug-ins are still usefull to use Smile
If you were a hacker, trying to hack a myBB board, which one would you choose? The official one. As long as this forum stays up, that is proof enough for me that myBB is safe to use.
just give a try to hack this site (if you can) Smile
(2010-05-27, 09:18 PM)Lithium Wrote: [ -> ]How secure is your house? Pretty secure unless you leave your windows and doors open 24/7 and have weak security such as no alarms,etc.

MyBB is very secure, unless YOU make it unsecure...
Anyone can get in a house unless it has a giant steel wall build around it with automatic machine guns... If I want to get in someones house a door or a window won't stop me.
Honestly, I don't see a reason for those mods. A chmod 000 does the same think if you don't want to delete them..
MYBB is very safe not seen many people getting hacked using it also
is used by websites related to hacking. I have MYBB installed on all my websites.
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