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Full Version: Banner or Logo size?
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what is the recomended sized for the top banner or logo if that the way to said on english, I mean the very first one that appears on the top, what would be the best size?

By the way I will like to ask before posting I could place a link of a website related to rate websites here? This because the web site that am making is from that and some people tell me that it have a problem with the banner or logo sized but when I checked I see every thing fine
so I dont know what they mean.

Well, to be honest, I'm not sure what you mean haha.

Logos and banners can be any size. Personally I like banners that stretch with CSS and can go from side to side of a browser (ie: between 90 and 100%).

Otherwise can you give us a link or a screenshot to demonstrate the problem? If people are having problems with it being too BIG it may mean you designed your layout for a screen resolution that is bigger than most of your users have. Usually nowadays it's safe to design for 1024px width.
Huh if that the size then something may be wrong on the page because the size of the one that I make is 1475x195.
here is the link because I dont know how to place a screen shoot:
Yup waaaaay to big. Max I'd ever make a single image banner would be like 1000px.

And IMO the animation doesn't do much for your logo (1999-ish) and simply makes your forum load slower D: