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Full Version: Duplied Title names
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Hello, i was checking today at Google analytics and i saw that i have 1.500 duplied metatitles - DJMAX
Ir a URL/foros/Forum-DJMAX
Ir a URL/foros/Forum-DJMAX?page=2
Ir a URL/foros/Forum-DJMAX?page=3

so i wanted to make that instead of forum and forum name
it shows the same but + the page number

like - DJMAX - page 2

i checked in forum display template

<title>{$mybb->settings['bbname']} - {$foruminfo['name']} </title>

Is there a command for page number like

Thanks in advance
Well, you could try $page, but... it's not necessarily set, and could be 0 or 1 or an XSS injection for all you know. A code modification would be better, it's what I do in my forums. I've been meaning to incorporate this in the Google SEO plugin somehow but haven't gotten around to it yet. It doesn't really fit in any of the existing categories of the plugin...

Basically what you need is:

if(intval($page) > 1)
    $page = intval($page);
    $pagenumber = " - Page {$page}";

before the forumdisplay / showthread template is evaluated (before the eval("\$showthread = line).

then you can set <title>whatever{$pagenumber}</title> in the showthread template and it will append - Page X for page 2 onwards
thanks it worked perfectly.
i wonder how can i apply this for viewforum pages too, apart from showthread
exactly the same way

before eval("\$forums = \"".$templates->get("forumdisplay")."\";");
Big Grin yeah it was kinda hard to find the eval code
but i've done it Big Grin
Thank you so much frostschutz!