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Full Version: Let us change our own usernames?
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(2010-05-30, 07:48 PM)Scoutie44 Wrote: [ -> ]No thanks, don't want to spend 30 minutes trying to figure out who someone is, only for them to change it again tomorrow.

This, staff can change their own usernames and even then you saw the havoc it caused on April fools Toungue
I wanted to change my name to Bob but than I discovered someone took "BoB" and Imad was like "uuh der dur dur I am Imad dur derp upercase letters derp don't count dur dur" Sad.
I don't think there's much reason for us to be able to change usernames. I like to know who I'm talking with. Otherwise instead of remembering usernames I'll start addressing people by avatar/signature descriptions :p
Hello all,

Hope you're having a good day.

Kind regards,
(2010-05-31, 02:28 AM)Ryan Loos Wrote: [ -> ]Hello all,

Hope you're having a good day.

Kind regards,

Do you know your UID off the top of your head? :p
(2010-05-31, 02:31 AM)41shots Wrote: [ -> ]Do you know your UID off the top of your head? :p
I had to look it up. Sad
I think there should be a limit to changing them, like 1 every 4 months or something.
* CAwesome understands nao.

(2010-05-31, 02:35 AM)Ryan Loos Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-05-31, 02:31 AM)41shots Wrote: [ -> ]Do you know your UID off the top of your head? :p
I had to look it up. Sad

Unlike me. Big Grin

(2010-06-04, 12:58 AM)Ryan Ashbrook Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-05-31, 02:35 AM)Ryan Loos Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-05-31, 02:31 AM)41shots Wrote: [ -> ]Do you know your UID off the top of your head? :p
I had to look it up. Sad

Unlike me. Big Grin


Darn, i want your UID.
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