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I think i either accidently edited, or a plugin did, an error message.

When i go as a member to reply to a topic, Which is disabled, Isntead of a disabled message, It comes up with

"Paul Burling Forum

Either i or a plugin has changed the default message to "Lol"

How do i change this back? I searched the messages lang file, Unless i missed someone out. Please help, It looks highly unprofessional.

Should be in the messages file (no permission message).
Its not there.

* MyBB 1.4 English Language Pack
* Copyright © 2008 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
* $Id: messages.lang.php 4854 2010-04-07 02:44:40Z RyanGordon $

$l['click_no_wait'] = "Click here if you don't want to wait any longer.";
$l['redirect_return_forum'] = "<br /><br />Alternatively, <a href=\"{1}\">return to the forum</a>.";
$l['redirect_emailsent'] = "Your e-mail message has been sent successfully.";
$l['redirect_loggedin'] = "You have successfully been logged in.<br />You will now be taken back to where you came from.";

$l['error_incompletefields'] = "It appears you have left one or more required fields blank. Please go back and enter the required fields.";
$l['error_alreadyuploaded'] = "This post already contains an attachment with the same name. Please rename the file and upload it again.";
$l['error_nomessage'] = "Sorry, we cannot proceed because you did not enter a valid message. Please go back and do so.";
$l['error_invalidemail'] = "You did not enter a valid email address.";
$l['error_nomember'] = "The member you specified is either invalid or doesn't exist.";
$l['error_maxposts'] = "I'm sorry, but your daily post limit has been exceeded. Please wait till tomorrow to post further or contact your administrator.<br /><br />The maximum amount of posts you may make in a day is {1}";
$l['error_nohostname'] = "No hostname could be found for the IP you entered.";
$l['error_invalidthread'] = "The specified thread does not exist.";
$l['error_invalidpost'] = "The specified post does not exist.";
$l['error_invalidattachment'] = "The specified attachment does not exist.";
$l['error_invalidforum'] = "Invalid forum";
$l['error_closedinvalidforum'] = "You may not post in this forum either because the forum is closed, or it is a category.";
$l['error_attachtype'] = "The type of file that you attached is not allowed. Please remove the attachment or choose a different type.";
$l['error_attachsize'] = "The file you attached is too large. The maximum size for that type of file is {1} kilobytes.";
$l['error_uploadsize'] = "The size of the uploaded file is too large.";
$l['error_uploadfailed'] = "The file upload failed. Please choose a valid file and try again. ";
$l['error_uploadfailed_detail'] = "Error details: ";
$l['error_uploadfailed_php1'] = "PHP returned: Uploaded file exceeded upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini. Please contact your forum administrator with this error.";
$l['error_uploadfailed_php2'] = "The uploaded file exceeded the maximum file size specified.";
$l['error_uploadfailed_php3'] = "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.";
$l['error_uploadfailed_php4'] = "No file was uploaded.";
$l['error_uploadfailed_php6'] = "PHP returned: Missing a temporary folder. Please contact your forum administrator with this error.";
$l['error_uploadfailed_php7'] = "PHP returned: Failed to write the file to disk. Please contact your forum administrator with this error.";
$l['error_uploadfailed_phpx'] = "PHP returned error code: {1}. Please contact your forum administrator with this error.";
$l['error_uploadfailed_nothingtomove'] = "An invalid file was specified, so the uploaded file could not be moved to its destination.";
$l['error_uploadfailed_movefailed'] = "There was a problem moving the uploaded file to its destination.";
$l['error_uploadfailed_lost'] = "The attachment could not be found on the server.";
$l['error_emailmismatch'] = "The email addresses you entered do not match. Please go back and try again";
$l['error_nopassword'] = "You did not enter a valid password.";
$l['error_usernametaken'] = "The username you have chosen is already registered.";
$l['error_nousername'] = "You did not enter a username.";
$l['error_invalidusername'] = "The username you have entered appears to be invalid.";
$l['error_invalidpassword'] = "The password you entered is incorrect. If you have forgotten your password, click <a href=\"member.php?action=lostpw\">here</a>. Otherwise, go back and try again.";
$l['error_postflooding'] = "We are sorry but we cannot process your post. The administrator has specified you are only allowed to post once every {1} seconds.";
$l['error_nopermission_guest_1'] = "You are not allowed to view this page. Here are some possible solutions.";
$l['error_nopermission_guest_2'] = "You are not registered or logged in. To view this content, You will need to sign up/in. This is the case for 99 percent of people.";
$l['error_nopermission_guest_3'] = "The board administrators have disabled this feature for guests, Signing in should give you the page you requested.";
$l['error_nopermission_guest_4'] = "Your account may have been disabled by an administrator, or it may be awaiting account activation.";
$l['login'] = "Login";
$l['need_reg'] = "Need to register?";
$l['forgot_password'] = "Forgotten your password?";
$l['error_nopermission_user_1'] = "You are not allowed to view this page.";
$l['error_nopermission_user_ajax'] = "You do not have permission to access this page.";
$l['error_nopermission_user_2'] = "In 99 percent of cases, The feature your trying to complete is disabled.";
$l['error_nopermission_user_3'] = "If you could do this before, The permissions/features have been changed/disabled, or You have been moved to a usergroup that does not allow this feature.";
$l['error_nopermission_user_4'] = "Your account may still be awaiting activation or moderation.";
$l['error_nopermission_user_resendactivation'] = "Resend Activation Code";
$l['error_nopermission_user_5'] = "You are currently logged in with the username: '{1}'";
$l['logged_in_user'] = "Logged In User";
$l['error_too_many_images'] = "Too Many Images.";
$l['error_too_many_images2'] = "We are sorry, but we cannot process your post because it contains too many images. Please remove some images from your post to continue.";
$l['error_too_many_images3'] = "<b>Note:</b> The maximum amount of images per post is";
$l['error_attach_file'] = "Error Attaching File";
$l['please_correct_errors'] = "Please correct the following errors before continuing:";
$l['error_reachedattachquota'] = "Sorry but you cannot attach this file because you have reached your attachment quota of {1}";
$l['error_invaliduser'] = "The specified user is invalid or does not exist.";
$l['error_invalidaction'] = "Invalid action";
$l['error_messagelength'] = "Sorry, your message is too long and cannot be posted. Please try shortening your message and try again.";
$l['error_message_too_short'] = "Sorry, your message is too short and cannot be posted.";
$l['failed_login_wait'] = "You have failed to login within the required number of attempts. You must now wait {1}h {2}m {3}s before you can login again.";
$l['failed_login_again'] = "<br />You have <strong>{1}</strong> more login attempts.";
$l['error_max_emails_day'] = "You cannot use the 'Send Thread to a Friend' or the 'Email User' features because you've already used up your allocated quota of sending {1} messages in the past 24 hours.";

$l['emailsubject_lostpw'] = "Password Reset at {1}";
$l['emailsubject_passwordreset'] = "New password at {1}";
$l['emailsubject_subscription'] = "New Reply to {1}";
$l['emailsubject_randompassword'] = "Your Password for {1}";
$l['emailsubject_activateaccount'] = "Account Activation at {1}";
$l['emailsubject_forumsubscription'] = "New Thread in {1}";
$l['emailsubject_reportpost'] = "Reported post at {1}";
$l['emailsubject_reachedpmquota'] = "Private Messaging Quota Reached at {1}";
$l['emailsubject_changeemail'] = "Change of Email at {1}";
$l['emailsubject_newpm'] = "New Private Message at {1}";
$l['emailsubject_sendtofriend'] = "Interesting Web Page at {1}";
$l['emailbit_viewthread'] = "... (visit the thread to read more..)";

$l['email_lostpw'] = "{1},

To complete the phase of resetting your account password at {2}, you will need to go to the URL below in your web browser.


If the above link does not work correctly, go to


You will need to enter the following:
Username: {1}
Activation Code: {5}

Thank you,
{2} Staff";

$l['email_reportpost'] = "{1} from {2} has reported this post:


The reason this user gave for reporting this post:

This message has been sent to all moderators of this forum, or all administrators and super moderators if there are no moderators.

Please check this post out as soon as possible.";

$l['email_passwordreset'] = "{1},

Your password at {2} has been reset.

Your new password is: {3}

You will need this password to login to the forums, once you login you should change it by going to your User Control Panel.

Thank you,
{2} Staff";

$l['email_randompassword'] = "{1},

Thank you for registering on {2}. Below is your username and the randomly generated password. To login to {2}, you will need these details.

Username: {3}
Password: {4}

It is recommended you change your password immediately after you login. You can do this by going to your User CP then clicking Change Password on the left menu.

Thank you,
{2} Staff";

$l['email_sendtofriend'] = "Hello,

{1} from {2} thought you may be interested in reading the following web page:


{1} included the following message:

Thank you,
{2} Staff

$l['email_forumsubscription'] = "{1},

{2} has just started a new thread in {3}. This is a forum you have subscribed to at {4}.

The thread is titled {5}

Here is an excerpt of the message:

To view the thread, you can go to the following URL:

There may also be other new threads and replies but you will not receive anymore notifications until you visit the board again.

Thank you,
{4} Staff

Unsubscription Information:

If you would not like to receive any more notifications of new threads in this forum, visit the following URL in your browser:


$l['email_activateaccount'] = "{1},

To complete the registration process on {2}, you will need to go to the URL below in your web browser.


If the above link does not work correctly, go to


You will need to enter the following:
Username: {1}
Activation Code: {5}

Thank you,
{2} Staff";

$l['email_subscription'] = "{1},

{2} has just replied to a thread which you have subscribed to at {3}. This thread is titled {4}.

Here is an excerpt of the message:

To view the thread, you can go to the following URL:

There may also be other replies to this thread but you will not receive anymore notifications until you visit the board again.

Thank you,
{3} Staff

Unsubscription Information:

If you would not like to receive any more notifications of replies to this thread, visit the following URL in your browser:

$l['email_reachedpmquota'] = "{1},

This is an automated email from {2} to let you know that your Private Messaging inbox has reached its capacity.

One or more users may have tried to send you private messages and were unsuccessful in doing so because of this.

Please delete some of your private messages you currently have stored, remembering to also delete them from the 'Trash Can'.

Thank you,
{2} Staff
$l['email_changeemail'] = "{1},

We have received a request on {2} to change your email address (see details below).

Old Email Address: {3}
New Email Address: {4}

If these changes are correct, please complete the validation process on {2} by going to the following URL in your web browser.


If the above link does not work correctly, go to


You will need to enter the following:
Username: {7}
Activation Code: {6}

If you choose not to validate your new email address your profile will not be updated and will still contain your existing email address.

Thank you,
{2} Staff

$l['email_newpm'] = "{1},

You have received a new private message on {3} from {2}. To view this message, you can follow this link:


Please note that you will not receive any further notifications of new messages until you visit {3}.

You can disable new message notifications on your account options page:


Thank you,
{3} Staff

$l['email_emailuser'] = "{1},

{2} from {3} has sent you the following message:

Thank you,
{3} Staff

Don't want to receive email messages from other members?

If you don't want other members to be able to email you please visit your User Control Panel and enable the option 'Hide your email from other members':

Did you try disabling your plugins?

Username and Password are "Tester"

I have not got any plugins that would change it, I do not think. Would any of these change it?

Ban Appeal (1.0)
Allows your users to contact you and discuss their ban.
Created by Nickman Deactivate
Bad Words - Quick access (0.9.7 beta)
Allow to quickly add bad words bij selecting them.
Created by Robin Kuiper Deactivate
Custom Online Status (1.5)
This plugin allows users to set a custom online status which will appear instead of the real status.
Created by Pirata Nervo Deactivate
Emergency Message System (4.1.3)
This Pluging will display a message to users on every page or just the index page, based on the settings you set.
Created by Nitemare Deactivate Uninstall
Group Notice (1.0)
Allows you to set a notice displayed to certain groups.
Created by Jammerx2 Deactivate
User IP Log (1.0)
Logs a members IP every time they login.
Created by nobleclem Deactivate Uninstall
Profile Ads (1.0 Beta)
Display an ad code to each member profile.
Created by Alexandru21 Deactivate
Plugin Editor (1.0)
Allows you to edit plugins from the ACP.
Created by RenegadeFan Deactivate
Private Messages Admin (2.4.1)
Gives admins the ability to look through their forums private messages.
Created by Tikitiki Deactivate
Report PM (1.0)
Ability To Report A PM
Created by LeX- Deactivate
SpiceFuse Shoutbox (1.1 Beta 1)
An elegant, fast, and resource friendly AJAX shoutbox.
Created by Asad Khan Deactivate
Undo Delete (1.2)
Allows you to restore deleted threads, posts, polls and attachments.
Created by Sebastian Wunderlich Deactivate Uninstall
Extra Safety Check While Registering (2.0)
New Users Need To Answer A Question Correct Before Completing The Registration.
Created by LeX- Deactivate Uninstall
Try it to make sure, I will look on your forum now.
When I look in the source I get"

<td class="trow1"><!-- start: error_nopermission_loggedin -->
<!-- end: error_nopermission_loggedin --></td>

Can you please check your Templates -> Post Bit Templates -> postbit -> Revert to Original
There is no revert option, Nor is it green, So no plugin has changed it.
That'd be the error_nopermission_loggedin template...
Thanks, All solved. I think yesterday i wanted to edit it, Put lol there, To test if it changed, And i forgot it was there. Thanks alot.