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Full Version: phpfreechat Embedder work with MyBB 1.4.13?
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MyBB 1.4.13
phpfreechat 1.3
Followed all directions for both phpfreechat and the Embedder:

phpfreechat installation instructions state "3.Browse the script with your personnal browser, it should launch a setup, then follow the steps ". There is no setup, only the chat room launches in the phpfreechat web site.

MyBB Admin Plugin screen shows the Embedder with only the Activate control, no Installation selection. No Chat selection in the Toplinks.
Update: I saw April 29 post from CSchle "Activate Embed phpFreeChat ". While I didn't have this specific problem the reply from MattRogowski "Looks like the plugin was written for MyBB 1.2, won't work with 1.4." seems to apply to my issue.

I think that the problem would be that the plugin could not find the phpfreechat-1.3 folder where I placed the phpfreechat_popup.php file as directed in the install.txt. I tried placing the folder both in the Root and under the Forum directories. It must be looking for the phreechat-1.2 folder. Any ideas on how to correct this? Should I just install phreechat 1.2? Rename the folder to 1.2? Really screw things up as much as possible? Undecided