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Full Version: remove register link / customize messages
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I integrated mybb 1.4 with my joomla website using the joomfish plug-in, so i had to disable the user registration for mybb and set up all registrations for mybb in joomla. Problem now is, I still get the register link in mybb, which is fine, but if a user clicks on it, he/she gets into a page that says:

"Sorry but you cannot register at this time because the administrator has disabled new account registrations."

What I am trying to do is modify or customize this message so I can tell users to register in joomla or just remove or disable the register link in mybb, so it wont confuse the users (because they already registered and there is really no need for them to see a register link)

Any help would be appreciated!
Easy Smile

Go to
ACP>>TEMPLATES>>**Select Theme**>>HEADER TEMPLATES>>header_welcomeblock_guest

In there look for
 &mdash; <a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/member.php?action=register">{$lang->welcome_register}</a>)
and remove it. You may just want to change the link so it goes to the JOOMLA! register page instead though Wink