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Full Version: Robots.txt error
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I have this robots.txt in "mysite":


User-Agent: *
Disallow: captcha.php
Disallow: editpost.php
Disallow: misc.php
Disallow: modcp.php
Disallow: moderation.php
Disallow: newreply.php
Disallow: newthread.php
Disallow: online.php
Disallow: printthread.php
Disallow: private.php
Disallow: ratethread.php
Disallow: report.php
Disallow: reputation.php
Disallow: search.php
Disallow: sendthread.php
Disallow: task.php
Disallow: usercp.php
Disallow: usercp2.php
Disallow: calendar.php
Disallow: *action=emailuser*
Disallow: *action=nextnewest*
Disallow: *action=nextoldest*
Disallow: *year=*
Disallow: *action=weekview*
Disallow: *action=nextnewest*
Disallow: *action=nextoldest*
Disallow: *sort=*
Disallow: *order=*
Disallow: *mode=*
Disallow: *datecut=*
Allow: /

On google webmasters tools it says:
Restricted By robots.txt -> 246
Not Found ->225

1.Is the robots.txt wrong?
2.Why does the "not found" problem occurs if the pages that are there exist.Firstly when i click them it says: "Not found!404.."or something like that but when i find them on the forum and i click again the link it works..
What can i do?I have the rebuild the cache??taskmanager

Thanks a lot for support.
1 no, that is just the permissions off the bots
2 Just copy that files content on to another file with the same name, and re upload it.

Robots.txt is just the permissions off the bots, so if you change the permissions, it will be able to go past that error
It really would help if we had a genuine url. There's not much we can do without it to solve your 404 errors...