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Full Version: [Help] lastpost button is not working
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When i'm on the index page and i press the title of the last post at the lastpost column, the browser redirect me to a white page with "ן»¿" writen on it. I just wanted to know if its a problem of the beta or is it just somethibg i did. I'll be happy to fix this problem ASAP.

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Have you edited any pages, Gilnaa? This mark appears sometimes when the encoding of a file changes if you don't save it correctly - or use an incompatible file editor.
you mean theme files? the only thing i remember is editing the theme's CSS and the theme's PHP, maybe some language files so they fit to Hebrew...
i'll try re-installing the forum Sad
Theme's PHP? Not so sure what you mean - do you mean HTML through the ACP?

It's probably a language file. It looks like a unicode BOM mark, so be sure to save all your changes to PHP files with the proper encoding and you'll be fine.

You can also edit languages through the ACP, which I recommend if you're experiencing problems!
by theme php i ment, that you have in the ACP the theme and the skin sub-menus, one edits CSS and the other edits PHP files, maybe im wrong, it's probaly main php files of the forums; idk..
may be the problem in the file format. Be sure the the files you modified are of type utf8!
(2010-07-10, 09:23 AM)Gilnaa Wrote: [ -> ]by theme php i ment, that you have in the ACP the theme and the skin sub-menus, one edits CSS and the other edits PHP files, maybe im wrong, it's probaly main php files of the forums; idk..

That's actually html not php, and it isn't really a file. The theme is stored in the database. Your edits to this were probably the cause. I would fix it to the default then try your edits again for the hebrew language.
After upgraded from 1.4.13 to 1.6, I have same error. I'm using Google seo and when url has *?action=* i see blank page ()

Also, I cannot login to ACP and logout forum frontpage.
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