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Full Version: about the quick quote
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i have downloaded the mod... and i dont understand this part:

3. CHmod the jscripts folder AND jscripts/general.js to 777.
4. CHmod the inc folder AND inc/functions_post.php to 777.

As 1st u have chomed some files while installing your board!! this time u will have to chmod the folder which called jscripts , jscripts/general.js and inc/functions_post.php to 777

with any od ur ftp file managers!

well i have already done that, also upload the qquote.php and the gif images, but it doesnt seems to work Confused
and have u activated the plugins Confused :$

yeah, i have already done that...

do i have to modify any template?
Alright i have seen another thread about the same issue!
have u upgraded to 1.1 ? it seems like the code should be reviewd

anyway i hope this is why, so in case u are trying to install it after you have upgraded to 1.1 do the following

open ./inc/functions_post.php


$message = str_replace($smilie['find'], "<img src=\"".$url.$smilie['image']."\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".$smilie['name']."\" />", $message);

replace it with

$message = str_replace($smilie['."'".'find'."'".'], "<img src=\"".$url.$smilie['."'".'image'."'".']."\" align=\"middle\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".$smilie['."'".'find'."'".']."\" />", $message);

i have done that, and i get an error Confused
The last thing that zaher1988 told you is not correct. (no offense zaher)
I was very busy last week. I haven't had any time to even start up my computer so I couldn't reply right away.

I think that the preblem of Quick Quote not working is your catch. Clear your catch and try again.
I also noticed that MyBB 1.1 has been released two days ago. This can also be one of the reasons why the plugin isn't working. I haven't had time to check and update yet.
hey smethead ! this has been reported from different persons just after releasing mybb 1.1 .

i knew that this isn't related to the issue Toungue but also the code to search in the plugin file! has changed, anyway Smile waitting the fix

btw i have upgraded to mybb 1.1 MANUALY ( find -> replace ) and quick quote is working fine for me ! so i guess something was overwritten when you guys have upgraded
