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I've been reading the various replies to posts with similar problems and I'm just not finding a solution. I'm getting the same problem as other users have described where I'll login to my board, the message will come up that I've logged in successfully and will be returned, and when I get back I'm still at a guest level.

I've tried every combination I can think of of cookie domains and paths, cleared cookies and cache and am simply having no effect at all.

My bulletin board is located at which is actually

The cookies simply aren't getting created on my computer even though they get created just fine visiting this website. I've upgraded to 1.04 so should have the latest files.

My current settings in the mybb_settings table are as follows:

bburl =
cookiedomain =
cookiepath = /
nocacheheaders = yes
standardheaders=yes (I've tried no as well)

As I say, I've tried a number of versions of these paths to no avail. Please help. My sideline business relies on this as a support forum and I'm about ready to dump this bb system for another if I can't solve this.

Art Martin
So for your cookie domain you've tried:

And path: /mybb/


If you haven't try that - clear your cookies afterwards.

Not a single change. Have cleared cookies, cleared the cache, nothing. I've tried some of the other changes I've seen in the forums to the members.php and the functions.php but they didn't affect the outcome either. I'm beginning to think it might just be worth backing up the database completely, destroying the bb, reinstalling it and restoring the data.

To make sure 100% what to use as cookie domain and path , use this script >> here

Thanks. Actually I solved the dilemna last night although I'm not sure why this happened. Within Firefox's setup screen for cookie handling, my bboard url was actually set for blocking cookies. That's something I know I didn't do. As a matter of fact, I actually added entries to allow the URL. Now I'm wondering if Firebox isn't the one with the bug that is saving the URL as one to be blocked instead of one to be allowed. Of course I can't rule out the possibility of errant fingers but it seems strange I'd have done such a thing.

So here's the question. Why the need for cookies in the first place for the bb login to work properly and redirect to the proper place? Shouldn't the cookie simply be there for ease of login and not some impediment to someone wanting to manually log in each time they visit? What if there's some new virus or spyware threat that someone wants to avoid by shutting down all their cookies? Not sure I want to impose that on my users.

Art Martin
The cookie stores the user ID and login key. That's sent to the board each time to verify the user logged in status.
I certainly understand the concept but it seems like I've been able to visit other bulletin board systems even if I have cookies disabled on my computer. Are they using an alternative system for keeping track of online users? Why can't that info simply exist in a timestamped fashion within the BB database as well as in a cookie so a user has an alternative way of accessing the site?

Please understand that this is not criticism of MyBB. I'm eternally greatful to have such a great free tool and it's served me well. I just understand that, in the wake of security concerns, many users prefer to lock their systems down tight and it'd be a shame if we couldn't serve them. My questions might certainly expose my lack of knowledge of web-based programming so please excuse me if I'm in that grey area of knowing just enough to ask stupid questions.

If you track each user by IP only, and sometimes it's possible that IPs be the same for two users, then there would be some problems.
I wasn't advocating tracking users by IP number but simply by username. I would hope the board software prevents multiple users from signing up with the same name. What I envisioned was making an entry into a user activity table when the user arrived at the board with a date and time stamp on it. If the user chooses not to allow cookies, the database tracks their usage and login attempts and allows their entry if they've had a clean record and a successful login. If the user allows cookies it would simply give them access without having to log in again. Why would you care what IP location they arrived from other than for banning errant users?

artmartin Wrote:Why would you care what IP location they arrived from other than for banning errant users?


As a way of identifying one user from another? There has to be a way to associate a computer logging into the forum, to a user, either by IP or by some other means that is reliable.