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Full Version: Easier ordering of smilies
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Having a lot of smilies that had been uploaded, I wanted an easier way to change the order, without having to go through every page - and this is what I came up with. It adds a small text box to each smilie with the display number inside it, and a button at the bottom to update - see the screenshot attached.
1) inc/languages/english/admin/smilies.lang.php -> Add to the bottom:
$l['update_disp_order'] = "Update Display Order";
$l['smilie_sort_updated'] = "Display Order Updated";

2) admin/smilies.php -> around line 34
if($mybb->input['action'] == "do_add")
Replace with:
if($mybb->input['action'] == "masssort")
        if (empty($mybb->input['disporder']) || !is_array($mybb->input['disporder']))
        foreach ($mybb->input['disporder'] as $sid => $disporder)
                $smilie=array("disporder" => intval($disporder));
                $db->update_query(TABLE_PREFIX."smilies", $smilie, "sid='".intval($sid)."'");
        cpredirect("smilies.php?page=$page&perpage=$perpage", $lang->smilie_sort_updated);
if($mybb->input['action'] == "do_add")

3) admin/smilies.php -> around line 343
Replace with:
echo "<form action=\"smilies.php?action=masssort&amp;page=$page&amp;perpage=$perpage\" method=\"post\">";

4) admin/smilies.php -> around line 383
echo "<td class=\"$altbg\" align=\"center\" valign=\"bottom\" nowrap>$smilie[name]<br><br><img src=\"$image\">&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>".stripslashes($smilie[find])."</b><br><br>";
Replace with:
echo "<td class=\"$altbg\" align=\"center\" valign=\"bottom\" nowrap>$smilie[name]<br><br><img src=\"$image\">&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>".stripslashes($smilie[find])."</b><br>";
                echo "$lang->disp_order <input type=\"text\" name=\"disporder[$smilie[sid]]\" value=\"$smilie[disporder]\" size=\"3\"><br />";
5) admin/smilies.php -> around line 442
if($pagelist || $prevpage  || $nextpage)
                echo "<tr><td class=\"altbg1\" colspan=\"5\">$prevpage $pagelist $nextpage</td></tr>";
Replace with:
if($pagelist || $prevpage  || $nextpage)
                echo "<tr><td class=\"altbg1\" colspan=\"4\">$prevpage $pagelist $nextpage</td><td class=\"altbg1\" align=\"right\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"$lang->update_disp_order\" /></td></tr></form>";
          echo "<tr><td class=\"altbg1\" colspan=\"5\" align=\"right\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"$lang->update_disp_order\" /></td></tr></form>";